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"Mama Bear" Shirley Thompson



Tops is looking for high school age buddies on Monday and Wednesday nights.  This is a great opportunity for community service hours.

Location Info

Monday: Clyde Bland Park

Wednesday: Sports Complex

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM both nights

Additional questions, please email

 Big Thank you to all of our coaches for volunteering!

 We value our volunteers and the impact they have on our community

TYSL is hosting Referee classes for anyone 13+ that would like to be a new referee.   The course is on 8/03/2024

In Loving Memory of our TYSL

TYSL and TUCSC have strict (reinforced) 

NO PET(s) and NO NOISE MAKER(s) policies.  

Please ensure your team/parents are informed and follow all league policies.  ​This is for everyone's safety, so please leave your pets at home. Thank you 

     Click here for the latest on District VIII Pet Policies -- click here 







Pleasanton Ca. (February 24, 2016) – Chairman Pete Zopfi and Executive Director Matthew Madeira announce that Cal North, in accordance with U.S. Soccer guidelines and intent, is implementing the following rules for heading:

  • No heading for players 12 years old and younger in games.   See Note for TYSL -->
  • Abide by U.S. Soccer recommendations for heading in practice (heading training for players age 11 to 13 years of age should be limited to a maximum of 30 minutes per week with no more than 15 to 20 headers per player per week).
  • When a player deliberately heads the ball in a game, an indirect free kick should be awarded to the opposing team from the spot of the offense. However, if a player deliberately heads a ball within their goal area, the indirect free kick by the attacking team should be taken on the goal area line parallel to the goal line at the point nearest to where the infringement occurred.
  • “A large part of our passion for the game is doing all we can to promote the safety and health of our valued players”, said Madeira. Zopfi comments “Cal North has been, and will continue to be, a leader in concussion awareness within youth soccer.”

Cal North will continue to monitor decisions made by U.S. Soccer with regards to concussion protocol and heading.

2024 Recreational Season 

Announcements and Reminders 

Registration is now closed for our 2024 fall recreational program.  

Volunteer coaches make our organization run please sign up to be a head coach, $75.00 registration refund will be provided at completion of final game.  

Uniform Reminder: Uniforms may be used for multiple season, if new to our league see link for purchase under uniform store. 

Picture Day / Day on the Green:            

Will be held on 8/17/2024 

First game 8/24/2024

*No games Labor day weekend *